weight loss measuring tape around waist

Weight Loss

AAC offers medically supervised weight-loss in our Lee’s Summit facility under the guidance of Medical Director - Dr. Pamela Davis and a nurse practitioner. Each client will receive individualized care with a safe, FDA-approved prescription medication and B12 fat burner injections. No herbal supplements, contracts, or hidden fees on the Advanced Aesthetic Center plan.

We are pleased to offer one of the most promising new weight loss drugs to hit the market in years! Semaglutide is a once-weekly injection that has been providing dramatic weight loss results. It is ideal for patients with anywhere from 20-50 pounds to lose. A powerful appetite suppressant, semaglutide with L-carnitine can help you lose weight with other lifestyle modifications.

Medically Supervised Weight Loss - Injectable GLP-1 Medications

Our programs offer individualized care with safe, FDA-approved prescription medications. A weekly injection that makes you feel full and balances blood sugar.

Fat Burner Injections

Overcome a sluggish metabolism with our B12. Gain greater energy and regulate hormone production, decrease appetite, and improve sleep.

Weight Loss Programs & Injections